第41回AWCCセミナー/IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecture Tour 講演会開催のご案内

先端ワイヤレス・コミュニケーション研究センター(AWCC)は,IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturerである香港中文大学のDr. Angela Yingjun Zhangをお招きして,Distinguished Lecture (DL) Tourを実現する運びとなりました.

Dr. Zhangは無線通信における最適化問題やヘテロジニアスネットワークに代表される無線通信の研究分野において,世界的に活躍されている著名な研究者のお一人であります.



場所:電気通信大学 (東京都調布市調布ヶ丘1-5-1)東3号館3階 301室



Dr. Yingjun Angela Zhang, Associate Professor, Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Wireless powered edge computing



Finite battery lifetime and low computing capability of wireless devices (WD) have been longstanding performance limitations of many low-power wireless networks, e.g., wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things. The recent development of wireless power transfer (WPT) and mobile edge computing (MEC) technologies provide promising solutions to fully remove these limitations so as to achieve sustainable device operation and enhanced computational capability. In this talk, we consider a multi-user MEC network powered by WPT, where each energy-harvesting WD follows a binary computation offloading policy, i.e., data set of a task has to be executed as a whole either locally or remotely at the MEC server via task offloading. In particular, we are interested in maximizing the sum computation rate of all the WDs in the network by jointly optimizing the individual computing mode selection and the system transmission time allocation. Both model-based optimization and deep learning based methods will be discussed.


Yingjun Angela Zhang is currently an Associate Professor. Her research interests include mainly wireless communications systems and smart power systems, in particular optimization techniques for such systems. She serves as the Chair of the Executive Editor Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Previously, she served many years as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Security and Communications Networks (Wiley), and a Feature Topic in the IEEE Communications Magazine. She has served on the organizing committee of major IEEE conferences including ICC, GLOBECOM, SmartgridComm, VTC, CCNC, ICCC, MASS, etc.. She is now the Chair of IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Smart Grid Communications. She was the co-recipient of the 2014 IEEE ComSoc APB Outstanding Paper Award, the 2013 IEEE SmartgridComm Best Paper Award, and the 2011 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award on Wireless Communications. She was the recipient of the Young Researcher Award from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. As the only winner from engineering science, she has won the Hong Kong Young Scientist Award 2006, conferred by the Hong Kong Institution of Science. Dr. Zhang is a Fellow of IET and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE ComSoc.

問い合わせ先:先端ワイヤレス・コミュニケーション研究センター(AWCC) 安達宏一(adachi@awcc.uec.ac.jp)


山崎悠大さん(情報・ネットワーク工学専攻博士前期1年)、安達宏一准教授および藤井威生教授(先端ワイヤレス・コミュニケーション研究センター(AWCC))の研究グループが、7月2日にザグレブ(クロアチア)で開催された国際ワークショップ(SRIoT2019)でBest Paper Awardを受賞しました。(詳細
本賞は、本ワークショップで発表された論文12件から最も優秀な1件をBest Paper Awardとして表彰するものです。