第40回AWCCセミナー/IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Distinguished Lecture Tour 講演会開催のご案内

先端ワイヤレス・コミュニケーション研究センター(AWCC)は,IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Distinguished Lecturerであるアメリカアーカンサス大学のDr. Jingxian Wuをお招きして,Distinguished Lecture (DL) Programを実現する運びとなりました.

IEEE VTSは,現在の携帯電話の前身である自動車電話の黎明期から,移動体無線通信や自動車・鉄道制御システムに関する研究者の活動を支えている世界的な研究者団体です.IEEE VTS DLプログラムは各研究分野で顕著な功績をあげている研究者の世界各地での講演を支援する目的で設置されたシステムです.

Dr. Wuは無線信号処理や分散アンテナシステムに代表される無線通信の研究分野において,世界的に活躍されている著名な研究者のお一人であります.


場所:電気通信大学 (東京都調布市調布ヶ丘1-5-1)東3号館3階301室

Dr. Jingxian Wu, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas, USA

Optimum designs of Wireless Networks with Massively Distributed Antennas and Non-ideal Optical Front-hauls

Employing massively distributed antennas brings radio access points (RAPs) closer to users, thus enables aggressive spectrum reuse that can bridge the gap between the scarce spectrum resource and extremely high connection densities in future wireless systems. Examples include cloud radio access network (C-RAN), ultra-dense network (UDN), and cell-free massive MIMO system. These systems are usually designed in the form of fiber-wireless communications (FWC), where the distributed antennas or RAPs are connected to a central unit (CU) through optical front-hauls. The large number of densely deployed antennas or RAPs requires an extensive infrastructure of optical front-hauls. Consequently, the cost, complexity, and power consumption of the network of optical front-hauls may dominate the performance of the entire system. This talk provides an overview and outlook on the architecture, modeling, design and performance of FWC systems with massively distributed antennas. The complex interactions between optical front-hauls and wireless access links require optimum designs across the optical and wireless domains by jointly exploiting their unique characteristics. It is demonstrated that FWC systems with analog radio-frequency-over-fiber (RFoF) links outperforms its baseband-over-fiber (BBoF) or intermediate-frequency-over-fiber (IFoF) counterparts for systems with shorter fiber length, lower transmission power, and more RAPs, which are all desired properties for future wireless communication systems.

Jingxian Wu received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, in 1998, the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 2005. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas. His research interests mainly focus on statistical signal processing, large scale data analytics, and wireless communications. He served as a symposium or track co-chairs for various international conferences, such as the 2009, 2015, and 2017 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, the 2012 and 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communication, the 2017, 2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, and the 2017 Wireless Communication and Signal Processing Conference, etc. He is appointed as a distinguished lecture by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society for 2018 and 2019. He is elected as the Vice Chair for the IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Signal Processing and Communication Electronics (SPCE) Technical committee in 2018. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE ACCESS, and served as an Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS from 2011 to 2016, and an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY from 2007 to 2011.

問い合わせ先:先端ワイヤレス・コミュニケーション研究センター(AWCC) 安達宏一(adachi@awcc.uec.ac.jp)