
先端ワイヤレス・コミュニケーション研究センター(AWCC)は,アメリカ・ノースイースタン大学のDr. Michael J. Marcusをお招きして,AWCCセミナーを開催いたします.

Dr. MarcusはアメリカのFCCで25年以上もの長きにわたり周波数割り当て策定などを担当されてきた,周波数政策に関する世界的な専門家のお一人であります.


日時:  2024年2月29日(木)13:00~14:30

場所:   東3号館301号室

参加費: 無料

予約: 不要


Dr. Michael J. Marcus, a principal research scientist, Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, an adjunct professor of ECE at Northeastern University, and director of Marcus Spectrum Solutions


Spectrum policy and wireless engineering- The need to better understand the connection and the opportunities and benefits for cooperation



Michael J. Marcus is a principal research scientist, Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, an adjunct professor of ECE at Northeastern University, and director of Marcus Spectrum Solutions. He retired from the Federal Communications Commission in 2004 after nearly 25 years in senior spectrum policy positions. While at FCC, he proposed and directed the policy developments that resulted in the bands used by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and licensed and unlicensed millimeter-wave systems above 59 GHz. He was an exchange visitor from FCC to the Japanese spectrum regulator (now MIC), and has been a consultant to the European Commission and the Singapore regulator (now IMDA). During 2012–2013, he was Chair of the IEEE-USA Committee on Communication Policy and is now its Vice Chair for Spectrum Policy. In 2013, he was awarded the IEEE ComSoc Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications “for pioneering spectrum policy initiatives that created modern unlicensed spectrum bands for applications that have changed our world.” He received S.B. and Sc.D. degrees in electrical engineering from MIT.

問い合わせ先:先端ワイヤレス・コミュニケーション研究センター(AWCC) 安達宏一(adachi[アット]awcc.uec.ac.jp)